Monday, 8 February 2010

* The Lost Treasure *

"The greatest treasures are not gold, nor jewels, nor work of art. They cannot be held in your hands. They are held within your heart. For worldly things will fade away as seasons come and go. But the treasure of true friendship will never lose its glow... ..."

~ Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure ~

What a meaningful ending! Although this movie is a little bit childish with those fairies, magical dust... Nevertheless, I've enjoyed it a lot. I love those tiny little creatures, those songs that keep the mind young and pure, the beautiful fairies that make your imagination run wild, far and wide...

And most important of all, it reflects ourselves. We are always in denial, refusing to admit that we need help, refusing to acknowledge that we are wrong and in the end we are the ones to make things worse. It is a story for the kids, but in fact, it is a story for young and old, to remind us that we are constantly surrounded by people who love ourselves, who trust us, who see us as who we are. Yet, we often fail to realize this.

Life is a short journey that glows with love and care. Are we not ready to take a step further to appreciate whatever we have in hand and whoever that are around us? Love and appreciate, be brave enough to make amends for any wrongs that we have done, for the opportunity doesn't often come twice, especially for the true friendship, true love and your family :)

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~~ Dreams Come True ~~

A place to seek for comfort is none better than to
let yourself know that you are actually much fortunate than many others......