Sunday 7 June 2009

YouTube Porn

All the while we have the impression that YouTube doesn't allow "porn". Meaning no private parts/naked scene to be posted. However it is a wrong concept. Yes, indeed it doesn't allow real porno to be uploaded. And I believe that it is good. Then what Porn am I writing about?

YouTube does allow nudity/naked video. Well, it isn't really a porn video that I am talking about. But it is some videos related to medical or health importance. Try YouTubing for "Breast Examination". And you might get about 1000 useful videos. However it requires you to confirm your birth date by signing in.

How did I stumble upon these "naked" videos? Haha, I am looking for porn!!! No, just kidding. Was having Oncology cycle at the end of the semester and one of the hometask was about breast cancer. So was doing some search on breast examination that might save life.

Thank you YouTube!

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