Friday, 19 December 2008

How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother---wow, I just love it! The sitcom is just hilarious, especially Barney! That guy is just so good in acting that without him, the whole 4 seasons would have been way too boring. This guy is the centre of the show! Anyway, he is gay, very unlike what Barney has potrayed.

The thing is that, until now, I haven't known who is the Mother! And that is bad! I hope I won't be disappointed with the mum. I hope she is hotter and prettier than Robin. Hehe. Sweeter than Lily. But Marshall is way too old comparing his look and age. He looks like in his 30-40s. But guess what? He is only 28 (born in the year 1980).

Sharing with you is a list that Lily has made......50 Reasons To Have Sex

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~~ Dreams Come True ~~

A place to seek for comfort is none better than to
let yourself know that you are actually much fortunate than many others......