Friday, 29 May 2009


How feverish are you about FaceBook (FB)? Yeah! FACEBOOK!!! Friendster is like kinda out-dated d.

How long a day do you spend on FB? Don't lie to yourself, hehe. Exactly how many hours? How long do you spend time reading your classmates' status, looking at your friends' photos, poking your university mates, writing on your sibling's wall...

Is it the first page that you would sign in, besides ... maybe ... your e-mails? Do you actually visit FB and post notes more than you actually chat with your parents? Do you actually play PetSociety more than you actually flip your books? Do you enjoy doing those quizzzzz more than scratching your head solving some Mathematics equation??? Or maybe Restaurant War is better than your dinner? Or perhaps much better than your breakfast???

But none is more feverish than me to even search for "FaceBook Song" on YouTube (yet another fever *sigh*). You see, the thing is when I am using other webpages, I have still somehow connected myself with FaceBook, shows that I am "sick"...severely...

And I really wonder how and why I get so addicted to FaceBook...Since when...? But I least...

And I am glad I found this interesting clip on YouTube. AGAIN it's about FaceBook. And I hope that I would be reminding myself again and again each time my addiction starts......

OMG!!! I am just opening a new tab for FB just to change my status!!!

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~~ Dreams Come True ~~

A place to seek for comfort is none better than to
let yourself know that you are actually much fortunate than many others......